Guide for Installing Ubuntu on P1510(and P1610)

I posted the article about installing Ubuntu on Fujitsu P1510 twice. but there was no English ver. a lot of people on Youtube asked me install guide. so I write the guide and I hope to be helpful to many people. 😉 (And this is my last guide because now I’m using new Macbook Air)this guide is based on standard ubuntu 10.04. But this may be compatible with other ubuntu version.

Touch Screen

1. You need to download this file.


and install it.2. Download this file too. and extract it to your home folder.


3. go to home/(your account)/.p1510(Ctrl + H is a magic showing this folder)select and wacdump and Click right button – Properties – Permission – Check ‘Allow executing file as Program’4. go to System – Administration – Startup Apllication(or Sessions) and register this command../.p1510/tablet6.pl5. And reboot!6. It works!

Screen Rotation

Screen Rotation is very complicated process because touch screen driver is not X natvie. So I made the script and all you need to do is execute these files.1. Download these files is couter clockwise rotation. and is clockwise rotation.2. select file and Click right button – Properties – Permission – Check ‘Allow executing file as Program’3. Execute and Test!4. It works!I recommend make shortcut executing these scripts 🙂
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